How To Save Time By Improving Your Personal Work Space

Let’s take a look at your own personal work environment and how organizing it can save you time. Look at your desk. Is it cluttered?

You should only have eight to nine things on your work surface at any one time. Items used on a daily basis should be kept within reach but those that are used every other day or less frequently can be relegated to nearby drawers. Items that you may only need weekly or monthly can be stored in a supply closet. Read more

The Secret To Maximizing Your Time

One of the key qualities of a successful entrepreneur is the ability to be more productive than anyone else in the company. And to do that, you’ll have to learn how to maximize your time.

I’m sure you’ve heard people say, “I wish I had more time.” They jump from task to task and event to event at light speed, trying to find ways to accomplish more.

Some people seem to accomplish far more than others in their day, week, and lifetime. For instance, Benjamin Franklin was a successful author, politician, scientist, philosopher, printer, inventor, activist, and diplomat. His accomplishments are astounding. Benjamin Franklin is also credited for the statement; ‘Time is money.’

So, how did he find the time to accomplish so many things? The answer is effective time management. Read more

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